Cynthia "The View's" Next New Host?

This blog is about Cynthia and her journey to become the newest co-host on "The View"

Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Present for Bill Geddie.

This afternoon I sent Bill Geddie (The View Master himself!) my head shot (yes, a current one, wrinkles and all), a couple of Yadda DVD's and my resume. I tried to create a DVD especially for this purpose, but my program kept crashing. This was one of those afternoons that I would have loved to have had my 14-year old stepson's assistance. He makes his own skateboard videos and posts them on U-Tube. His technical expertise was sorely missed. After hours of frustration, I decided that some things happen for a reason and that I really couldn't waste any more time playing video editor.

Of course, the package itself was wrapped up like a lovely present (including a hand tied bow). Not too girly, but still pretty. I know this isn't something that a serious journalist would do, but I believe it shows that I am a creative person and that I have truly thought long and hard about what this all means to me. (It helps that when I was in college, I worked in a gift wrap department during the holidays.)


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